
Look! Ants prepare an ambush

2005/04/21 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Small ants from the Amazon hunt prey much larger than them. To do this, they prepare a honeycomb trap in the plant in which they live and wait stored in the holes until the dam falls in trap. It is then that they grip hard on the legs and antennas, quickly reaching more ants to bite the prey to completely paralyze it.

Thereafter the process is slower. And the fact is that, often, the prey is much greater than the ant and take quite a while to reduce it.

Ants are called Allomerus decemaarticulatus and have researched at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. It has now been published in the journal Nature. According to the researchers, the most striking thing is that ants grow fungi in the plant, which seem to lead to plant fungi. These fungi give the trap a solid structure. It seems that so far they have not seen it in ants.

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