Flying cars
1985/12/01 Azkune Mendia, Iñaki - Elhuyar Fundazioa | Etxeberria, Isabel Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

How? Flying cars? can be destroyed by someone.
Yes, yes. Design and design of flying cars. In recent years, not only have they been designed, but also have been manufactured road, highway or plane cars.
A plane to walk or a car that can fly is not a dream. After many attempts in World War II, this dream has come true.
Traveling on small planes has a big obstacle: time. Due to storms, aircraft are usually on days without getting into the air, leaving the pilot abandoned many times at a remote airport. However, with flying cars, when bad weather, the plane turned into a car can reach the house peacefully.
The owner of the aircraft usually has large expenses, and if instead of plane had a flying car it would come cheaper. To save the plane, for example, expensive slack is needed. To save the flying car it is enough with the garage of the house.
The idea of building flying cars is old. Wilbur Wrigh, for example, designed the flying car in North America in 1909. Also the car in 1917.
Since then, many builders and avionists have tried to prepare the flying car: Ford, Chrysler, Studebaker, Vultee, Convair and General Dinamics.
These manufacturers, some of the names given to different models, are: Autoplane, Aviocar, Arrowbile (arrow), Skycar (fence), Roadplane (truck plane), Airphibian, Aerocar and many more.
Many of these flying cars appeared in the Lparramericas just after World War II. An example of great male caste was that of Robert Edison Fulton. Robert Edison was involved with the inventors of perfumery and electric bulb. Robert surprised people when Broadway visited a theater in his flying car Airphibian. Connecticut took off next to his home and landed at La Guardia Airport. After releasing the wings, tail and propeller, he drove the car to the Manhattan theater.
The Airphibiana by Edison Fulton was the first flying car certified by the Federal Aviation Administration. However, outside the four lower wheels, it looked like a normal light plane. It flew perfectly. On Earth, however, it was relatively slow, due to electric current.
Waldo Watermans was a similar flying car. It was called Arrowbile (then Aerobile) and Studebaker planned to sell these cars/planes to the public in 1940. It had three wheels and the wings were loose. No tail and with spoilers or rotating plates in the same wing.
Watermans, since 1930, did not stop improving his flying car. It flew at 240 km/h and on the ground at 110 km/h. However, it looked like a wingless plane, with the propeller back.
Ted Hall was another of the great skill demonstrators in making flying cars. He called his vehicle roadable. He had three wheels and quickly took off.
By 1960, flying cars began to change shape. They tended to remove wings and wheels. At that time the flying jeep began for the army. These vehicles had two large fans, one in front and one behind.
The flying jeep made many moves: take off vertically as a helicopter, fly horizontally to a few millimeters without touching the earth, etc.
However, trials showed that the flying jeep was not stable and soon began designing cars with wheels and fins.
By the year 1970 there were many sessions in the parrameric and not all went well, like Dewey, of Brian.
The Brian flying vehicle in had an exclusive space for the driver and had delta wing. When arriving at the airport, the wings were collected electrically in 35 seconds. In 1974 a wing axis failed to take off and Brian died.
In 1973 Henry Smolinski and his assistant also accidentally died in the flying car. The name of the vehicle was Mizar-Pinto. The hegoa, engine and tail joined the car to respond to new problems. Until 1970, cars and planes seemed to have taken two different roads in the parrameric. Cars became heavier and heavier. Planes are becoming lighter.
In this situation, the Arabs suffered a sharp increase in the price of ptr oil and the builders began to resort to light and aerodynamic designs, the way of the planes.
However, overcoming this problem creates another one: that of security standards. The government established strict safety standards for both manufacturers and avionists. New bumpers, safety controls, etc., were heavier in cars as were new standards. For its part, the FAA established strict controls on aircraft production and maintenance.
Smolinski's Mizar-Pinto model wanted to put on a boot piece that would pick up the car that complied with safety standards and complies with FAA standards.
Molt Taylor's vehicle offered a more complex solution. Taylor had worked on aircraft design and missile design for the U.S. Army. But it has been 35 years in the preparation of your flying car. The wings, tail and propeller are released to the vehicle. Once loose, these parts automatically become a 200 kg trailer. This work takes four minutes and, as Taylor says, it is possible to hydraulically complete the trailer. It has a single aircraft engine that allows you to reach a speed of 145 km/h on the ground and 220 km/h in the air. When in air, the four wheels of the car are collected.
According to Taylor, his vehicle is the only way to reach an average speed of 90 km/h from his home to his destination.
The workshop vehicle has been affected for many kilometers both on land and in air and has been approved by the regulatory body FAA. Ford said there were many buyers waiting for this type of vehicle. However, the flying car needs a lot of fuel both to move on the ground and to fly, and due to the oil boom the project was abandoned.

Safety standards are also important obstacles. This vehicle should meet car and aircraft standards. That is not impossible. But for this it is necessary a great investment, and for another new norm nobody wants everything to move.
When Ford rejected the project, Molt Tailor acknowledged that there are many buyers waiting for flying cars and they will not stop.
But there are difficult obstacles: meeting safety standards and the price of oil. However, given the market and necessity, flying cars, if not tomorrow, will appear in our roads/skies.

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