
Craters, representative remains

2005/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Craters, representative remains
11/01/2005 | Elhuyar
(Photo: platform)

Craters can be representative signs of the evolution of the solar system. In fact, astronomers are collecting many data that 3.9 billion years ago make them suspect that planets inside the Solar System had been bombarded with asteroids. For astronomers at the University of Arizona, some craters are a clear example of this.

These astronomers have analyzed the characteristics of all craters that have been detected so far. In many areas of planets and satellites there are many large craters that seem to have suffered a terrible bombardment of meteorites. Elsewhere, craters are younger, and appear to have emerged as asteroids that have passed through the Earth's surroundings.

However, the University of Arizona considers that the old craters were created differently. The craters of this time are more numerous and of all dimensions. To explain its origin, astronomers have proposed that the bombardment of asteroids occurred when the outer planets of the Solar System were reorganized.
