Scientific Culture 2. Festival in
2014/04/16 Elhuyar Zientzia

Scientific Culture 1. After the successful festival, arrives has taken the witness of Zientzia Kaierak and we are sure 2. That this festival will be as fruitful and enriching as the previous one.
The Festival of Scientific Culture is an initiative to collect contributions to Scientific Culture. We will collect and publish posts, articles, audios or videos from different disciplines. For what? Disseminate knowledge, recognition and interest in Scientific Culture through the Internet.
From 28 April to 20 June, this is an invitation to prepare and share in network a small work on the topic that each one works or analyzes, or on which it is interested.
Encourage yourself and participate!
- Contributions will be published in two ways:
1. If the participant does not have a blog/web, his contribution will be published by To do this, send the contribution by email.2. The participant can post their contribution on their blog/website. To show their participation in the festival, at the end of the contribution “This entry includes #Cultura Científica 2. Take part in the Festival” and add the Festival logo (image above). Once published, you will send the address of your entry.
- The contributions will have a maximum of 1,000 words and will be able to discuss topics of any discipline (Humanities, Social Sciences, Legal Sciences, Health Sciences, Experimental Sciences, Technological Sciences). Whenever the knowledge presented is objective and repeatable. If theories, hypotheses or opinions appear, they will be clearly expressed in the text.
- Share photos, videos and audios.
- Shared texts may contain comments and provoke debate. Debate and criticism will always take place with respect and constructive arguments.
- The contributions that are shared will be in Basque.
- Enjoy Scientific Culture.
- Creation of a network of agents that work in Basque in Scientific Culture on the Internet.
- Promote Science and Scientific Culture in Education and throughout society.
- Help overcome the artificial barrier between “Sciences” and “Letters”.
- Encourage debate and critical attitude.
- Foster collaboration.
Who can participate?
- Teaching staff: Teaching staff of universities, baccalaureate, ESO, CIP, euskaltegis, etc.
- Students: Students from universities, high school, ESO, CIP (through teachers), euskaltegis, etc.
- Researchers: Researchers from universities, research centers, technology centers.
- Disseminators and communicators: Members of any media.
- Others: librarians, documentaries, translators, etc.
- Entities: Universities, institutes, ikastolas, museums, associations, foundations, media, libraries, bookstores, etc.
- All right In general, anyone can participate.
Network contact and deployment will receive from different channels both the contributions that will be published in it and those published in other blogs or websites within the Festival:
- Email:
- Twitter: Send the user @zientzianet the link of your entry with the hashtag #KZJaia2
- Facebook: Culture Scientific Publishing the festival in the public group
On social networks (Twitter and Facebook) the publications of the festival will be disseminated, both through and other participants. To do this, the hashtag #KZJaia2 will be used on twitter and the facebook group Culture Zientzia Jaialdia. In addition to these, we encourage you to use other channels that remind you or that are useful.
As the festival progresses, at we will summarize the contributions made. Depending on the number of contributions, it is expected to take between 2 and 3 weeks. These summaries will include links to each contribution. All articles published by related to the festival will be classified under the theme #KZJaia2. At the end of the festival we will make a summary and evaluation of the initiative and the 3rd edition of #Culture Zientzia. We will pass the witness to the blog/web organized by the festival.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia