#KZJaia2: Collection 1
2014/05/19 Elhuyar Zientzia

On April 28 we launched the #KZJaia2 rocket and went out to the stars. In these three weeks we have known 16 stars in a journey full of interesting and varied contributions. Here is the compilation of everything we have learned during these first weeks of the festival:
- Sun: “Omica era”. Koldo Garcia Etxebarria opened the festival warning that we live in the Omica era. Genomics, transcriptomic, proteomics, exotic, methylomic… He reviewed all the omics in the article published in the blog Dena.
- Syrian: “Knee osteoarthritis”. Physiotherapist Iker Villanueva brings in the blog Fisteus an update of the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. In addition to publicizing techniques as curious as the mirror technique, it made it clear that the secret is in physical exercise.
- Canopus: “Microglia.” Achucarro Outreach Manager revealed what the micro is in the article published on the Neuroscience blog. Microslia is a set of small but very important brain cells. They are central nervous system cleaners, that is, they help eliminate dead or useless substances through phagocytosis.
- Arcturus: “The hate of the car.” Basque technician Txerra Rodriguez explained to us in the blog Garaigoikoa what is behind the concept of self-hatred. Self-hatred is called identification with the dominant group and, consequently, assumption by some individuals among subordinates of criteria, preferences, etc. of hegemonic groups and their opposition to their collective interests or interests.
- Alpha Centauri / Rigil Kentaurus: “Ebol: atypical infection, conventional measures”. The serious Ebola virus infection has seriously hit West Africa. Amaia Portugal has brought us this disease in the article written in the Science Classroom.
- Vega: “Asier Estevan Mugertza: ‘Society has to appreciate science so that generations to come are more scientific.’ In the interview on the Unibertsitatea.net website of the EU, Dr. Asier Estevan Mugertza says that science is one of the pillars of the well-being of our society and that therefore it is necessary to expand the level of understanding of the areas of knowledge.
- Rigel: “Platonic Balls.” From a mathematical point of view, we learned how attractive football balls are in Elhuyar Magazine with the article published by Oihane Lakar Iraizoz. The balls are air-inflated polyhedra, and the polyhedra are very beautiful structures.
- Procyon: “Space garbage.” Itzalpean placed us looking into the Earth's orbit. In the article he published on Zientzia.net he told us how many trash fragments are in orbit and what problems they generate.
- Betelgeuse: “Jexux Larrañaga: Bertsolarism has served to create our own world.” The UEU digital library Buruxkak shared during the festival an interview with Jexux Larrañaga about his thesis. The anthropological reading of the bertsos tournaments and the reasoning of the bertsolaris have been some of the topics covered in the thesis.
Recent searches “Sale of smoke and exaggeration of results in biosciences”. Biologist Koldo García Etxebarria made it clear that in science there are also “smoke sellers” on the blog Dena. He concluded that the important thing is to continue spreading the scientific culture so as not to buy smoke.
- Beta Centauri / Hadar / Agena: “Basque University: Jokin Zaitegi and Koldo Mitxelena (1)”. Pruden Gartzia wrote about Jokin Zaitegi on the blog Inguma in the Laboratory. In order to create the Basque University, Jokin Zaitegi informed us of the work carried out.
- Capella: “Benefits of physical exercise for health: who, how much, how and when (III). Body composition and weight control.” Jon Irazusta and Susana Gil offered us the third in the series of articles on the benefits of physical activity in the Science Classroom. The influence of sport on weight control and fat reduction told us, among other things, the best ways to play sports.
- Altair: “Mental health and some brain diseases can be avoided from the cradle.” Achucarro Outreach Manager explained to us on the Neuroscience blog the importance of eating well from childhood for mental health.
- Villager: “Genetics in science fiction series (I)”. Koldo García Etxebarria showed us his fondness for the series in his third contribution to this festival. He analyzed the genetics of the series in the Kafepintxo of the blog Dena. Note: Eye, spoilers!
- Spica: “Where does the Moon go from?” In his contribution to the website of the Planetarium of Pamplona, Miren Karmele Gómez brought us a web didactic application that helps us to easily understand where the Moon is and its phases.
- Antares: “A, B, so AB? Oh, what a mess! !” The students of the Faculty of Chemistry of Leire Lerga, Sara López, Amaia Rada and Aiala Urbegain explained to us without confusion the duality of the wave particle in the blog How to Learn Quantum Chemistry Without Frightening.
Next objective: Contaminx. To see who the pilot is leading us there!
Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia