#KZJaia2: Collection 2
2014/06/09 Elhuyar Zientzia

Another three weeks have passed since we launched the #KZJaia2 rocket and went to the stars, and in addition to the 16 stars we met in the first three weeks, we have already visited another 11 stars and 11 asteroids. In fact, we came from the stars to know the satellites of the Solar System, but on the way we stayed in the asteroid belt and have been knowing the main asteroids of it. Here is a compilation of everything we have learned during these last three weeks:
- Polylux: “Aesthetics”. With the words of Lorea Agirre, Fermin Etxegoien, Kuraia taldea, David Anaut and Jon Benito, Txerra Rodríguez brought us on the blog Garaigoikoa the normalization and aesthetics of the Basque language.
- Formalsel: “Homo omnium rerum mensura est (Hala ote? The biologist of the UPV-EHU Jesus Mari Txurruka analyzed the human dimension of everything. With fainting numbers, the answer was quite clear.
- Deneb: “Jacinto Iturbe: ‘The Basque coast would also be damaged by the greenhouse effect’. The digital library UEUkoBuruxkak brings us an interview with Jacinto Iturbe about the translation of the book "Ingurumena: processes and physical chemistry".
- Beta Crucis / Mimosa / Becrux: “Genetics in science fiction series II”. Koldo Garcia Etxebarria offered us the 2nd part of the genetics of the science fiction series in the Edonon blog. If you want to know if seeing a series of what it says about genetics is acceptable, read. But beware of spoilers!
- Régulo: “Two writers: Mary Shelley and Bizenta Mogel”. Pruden Gartzia invited the author of the novel Frankestein and the first writer of Basque literature to the #KZJaia2 festival. Ingumak told us about these two women in the Laboratory blog.
- Alpha Crucix / Acrux: “Tests to confirm the theory of the stork” Josu Lopez-Gazpio compiled tests in favor of the theory of the stork in the Capit of Science, using only reliable sources and contrasting data.
- Adara / Adhara: “Amaia Pavon: ‘Adolescents interpret the world through audiovisual media and build the social identity of the group’. In the interview carried out in the portal UEUkoUnibertsitatea.net, the expert in audiovisual communication, Amaia Pavon, defends that if you want to consume audiovisual in Basque, you must produce products created specifically for young people.
- Castor: “The vaccines give, they do not remove.” It made us clear in the contribution that Amaia Portugal wrote in the Chapel of Science. He reviewed the achievements of vaccines and claimed their importance.
- Polaris star: Koldo García Etxebarria told us about the work he has published in the journal Current Genomics with his co-workers on endogenous retroviruses of domestic animals.
- Cotton: “From the optics”. Juan López, a second-year high school student at the San Ignacio de San Sebastián School, wrote us with a view on the blog Galtzadaberri.
- Denebol: “Machines can also learn.” Gorka Azkun taught us that machines can also have the ability to learn in the Science Classroom.
- Patientia: “Genetics to make art”. Surprised, Koldo García Etxebarria taught us that genetics can also serve to do art works on the blog Dena.
- Interamnia: “‘Et alegraçaytec ongui’: two Basques in the court of King Charles’” Gorka Lekaroz told us in the blog Lingua Navarrorum two Basques of the court of Charles III.
- David: “Deprivation of power.” Txerra Rodriguez, in the blog Garaigoikoa, came with the concept that Botmodelun leaves power in the hands of others, the same day that the king of Spain abdicated.
- Bamberg: “On the edge of the stroke”. Teknopolis shared a report on the community of practices of physicians and family members of patients to improve hospital service to patients with stroke.
- Eufrosine: “Home robots”. Xabier Díaz Silvestre brings us to the robots that are being made with the aim of improving our life in the contribution that Zientzia Kaieran has written.
- Eunomy: “Therapeutic capacity of stem cells”. In the blog Achucarro Outreach Manager explained what stem cells are in the blog Neurociencia.
- Cibeles: “These organs are like yours.” Amaia Portugal told us about plastination in the Chapel of Science. Through this technique, the body parts of the dead are perfectly preserved without rotting. They are identical in terms of shape and color to the living organs.
- Juno: “In the danger of choking the islands.” Coinciding with World Environment Day, Elhuyar magazine brought us spectacular photos of the islands that are in danger of drowning by the rise of sea level.
- Silvia:: “Microwave music”. Aitzol Torregarai, Juankar Solis and Andoni Zabala wrote in the blog Nola Ikasi Kimika Quantum Izutu Gabe with the music that puts the molecules to dance.
- Hector: “Inventing itself again and again.” He contributed some curiosities of evolution in the blog Koldo García Etxebarria, strong in #KZJaia2: Anyway, with an evolutionary convergence.
- Tisbe: “What is electromagnetism?” David Etxeberria, a student of 2nd grade at the San Ignacio de Donostia College, explains in the blog Galtzadaberri what is electromagnetism.
There are already two weeks left to finish this second festival. We will soon leave the asteroid belt and begin to visit the satellites of the planets of the Solar System. To see how many we know!
Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia