
Legumes: meat of the poor? Beneficial for all

1997/02/01 Lorenzo, Arantza | Uranga, Ane Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In order for an adult to cover the protein needs referred to in the previous article (page 10), just take two or three dairy products and a plate of meat, raya or egg throughout the day. The previous three are replaced by a plate of legumes and cereals, although it is not advisable to leave the legumes to eat and, for example, to eat rice, since in this way essential amino acids are not obtained at the same time.

It is a good meal, for example, take a normal salad composed of lettuce, tomato and onion, although you can add other vegetables (beet, carrot, radish...), but always without adding proteins of animal origin, or a soup, then lentils with rice, chorizo and other pigs, a rich fruit or a rich fruit to finish.

The typical legumes of the meals of ancient ancestors were known as meats of the poor. Without a doubt, to recover that habit is very important to us, not with the morcilla and chorizo, because the physical activity of our day is much softer than yours.

We know that many of you came up with the following thought: “I have no time, as my grandmother or my mother did, to have the beans in the fire.” And it is true that daily work outside of home has made us change the ways of cooking food; however, in our kitchens we have more and more modern tools and technological development has not been a joke either. Leave the pan aside and try with the pressure cooker. Of course, the consistency of the bean stock will not be the same, since our housewives did not waste time and love in vain! The result will not be the same, but trying will not hurt us.

Brief Brief Notes: Brief Notes

Marathon and proteins

The ingestion of proteins before intense exercise does not benefit the muscles of the body, since they do not help maintain muscle mass, but increase the decay of proteins. Thus, 42 men and 13 women realized after traveling 50 consecutive kilometers daily for twenty days.

Taurine in child feeding

Although little is still known about the influence of the taurine amino acid on the diet, it is lately considered an essential amino acid in childhood feeding. In children with cystic fibrosis, it plays a very important role in the absorption of fats, since the main characteristic of this disease is the low absorption of fats and the lack of calories that it carries.

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