
Sequins dress for the Earth

2006/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Sequins dress for the Earth
01/12/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: R. R. Angel & T. Connors/Univ. Arizona)

The University of Arizona scientist, Roger Angel, has proposed the installation of a roof to protect the land from the sun. Angel works at the Steward Observatory and believes it is possible to prevent the Earth's atmosphere from warming even more through a protective cover. The cover would be formed by small and light discs.

Roger Angel also calculates how many discs would be needed, how they should be and how to put them in orbit. For these calculations he had the support of NASA, which in July won a bag of money from NASA's Institute of Advanced Concepts to carry out the research. The project may never run, but at least the idea is original and seems to be effective as well.

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