Earth Rings
1991/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Like the planets Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, it seems that the Earth once had a satellite system. To this conclusion comes astronomer Kaare Rasmussen of Copenhagen. This system seems to disappear in sixteen stages in 2,800 years. Danish astronomer a. C. He has been analyzing meteorites that have fallen to Earth from 800 to 1750. Once the curve indicates the fall of meteorites and the time, there are alternately falls and periods without falling.
According to Rasmussen, this sequence is understood to be accepted by the fact that the comet or asteroid periodically traps the gravitational zones of the Earth. These objects orbit around our planet and evaporate slowly by the friction of the air. In this situation the fall of meteorites is low and there is a well formed ring system.
Over time the rings weaken in the atmosphere, as the particles heat up more and more and finally burn. In this situation, astronomers detect many meteor falls. According to Rasmussen, the last rings were formed about two hundred years ago.

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