As cunning as beautiful: AMBULU GAIZTOA
1996/02/01 Terés, Joxepo Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
We are in the middle of winter and we would not like to miss this opportunity without mentioning this beautiful plant. The reader will remember that in February last year we studied the Lilip of the same genus (Narcissus bulbucodium citrinus) and we want to talk about a winter flower as slender as that of the same genus, the so-called bad ambulus.
According to experts, in the Basque Country there are two subspecies N. pseudonarcissus "pallidiflorus" and N. pseudonarcissus "nobilis". In general, the subspecies "pallidiflorus" has a more pale and extended crown than others, especially at lower altitudes.
The malignant ambulu has a small medium plant shape, whose leaves are funneled and long with green bacon and a single flower of a long gars, in which an eau cord is placed, horizontally or slightly hanging. The shape of the flower is very striking and highlight two parts: the crown as a troupers and the tepalos. Depending on the altitude, the plant blooms in winter or early spring, in the vicinity of the herbaceous, forest, river bank and peatlands of the Basque Country. The fruit is a tree of 3 leaflets.
Given its variability, it is one of the most cultivated species in parks and gardens, especially in Europe. Therefore, he has been very killed and numerous forms and varieties have emerged. On the other hand, experts (as indicated by the European Flora) attribute to it 7 subspecies, of which only those mentioned above are among us. This subspecies pallidiflorus, which we have previously studied, is found especially in the northern part of the peninsula, with a punctual and deficient presence from the North of Euskal Herria to Brittany.
On the other hand, this plant also has its place in mythology and are known the love stories that are told around a slender shepherd named Narcissus.
Stories, this plant has often been used as a medicinal plant and many references can be found. For example, it is said that the juice obtained by Hipocrates from this plant served to achieve beauty. On the other hand, the plant has an alkaloid called nacisina, especially in its bulb, which is said to be a very poisonous substance and has a "paralyzing" effect. In any case, flowers have been used as narcotics, even against stula, asthma and diarrhea. Bulbs against epilepsy and fever.
The beautiful winter plant is undoubtedly this fascination that the people of Wales consider as a vegetable indicator.
TECHNICAL SHEET Malignant Bule/Simple Lilip Family: amarilidazeosSpecies: Narcissus pseudonarcissus Subspecies: pallidiflorusDistribution: dispersHabitat: meadows, forest areas, streams, margins, zoicars areasMainly on the Atlantic slopes Medicinal herb: |
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