
White shark in soup

2006/01/16 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Shark fin soup is widely accepted in several Asian countries, with the largest shark fin market in Hong Kong. Well, they have carried out DNA studies in this market and have verified that fourteen species represent 40% of the market. Well, some of these species are legally protected.

The story began a few years ago: A group of geneticists from the Guy Harvey Research Institute in Florida developed a DNA test to differentiate different shark species. The U.S. government then asked for help analyzing some of the shark fins it had seized, 900 kilos of dry shark fins.

The researchers discovered through the DNA test the fins of the white shark. Most were fins of small white sharks, with a maximum length of two meters. Perhaps the jaws and teeth of those sharks were too small to be kept as trophies and wanted to get them out of the game otherwise. Shark fins pay well in Asian markets and were transferred.

The truth is that the hunt for white sharks has been banned since 2004 in the United States and other countries, according to the Convention on International Control of the Sale of Endangered Species (CITES).

They saw the need to investigate the Asian market. The result is that they found fins of prohibited shark species.

Therefore, the protection of these species will require stricter measures.

Photo: Montereyko Bay Aquarium.