
Math Talk: program to write mathematical formulas through voice

2000/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

At a Dallas university they have developed a program capable of writing complex mathematical expressions using voice commands. The program, called MathTalk, is designed for people with mathematical learning problems, such as physically disabled or blind. The idea was taken by a professor of statistics, in view of the problems that a disabled student had to study.

MathTalk transforms voice commands into mathematical expressions and complements mathematical formulas. To do this, the program must be adapted to know the voice of the user, indicating the format in which the output will be made. For example, in the blind version, mathematical formulas are written in the Braille language.

H. creator of the program According to Gray, through this application people with difficulties to learn mathematics will have the opportunity to progress in their studies. In addition, this tool can be very useful in other areas.

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