
100th anniversary of the first foundations of quantum mechanics

2025/03/01 Lakuntza Irigoien, Oier - CIC Energiguneko ikertzailea | Rezabal Astigarraga, Elixabete - EHUko Kimika Teorikoko taldekidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

I'm talking about Arg. Vink Fan/Shutterstock.com

2025 marks one hundred years since the first foundations of quantum mechanics were proposed. On the occasion of this anniversary, UNESCO has declared this year the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology for the social integration of the importance of quantum theory and the technologies derived from it.

To this end, the journal Elhuyar has asked specific questions to two scientists who work in two different fields in the field of chemistry and quantum physics: Oier Litza Irigoien, researcher at CIC Energigune, and Elixrespond Rezabal Astigarraga, member of the UPV/EHU Theoretical Chemistry team:

“In your opinion, what have been the most significant milestones of quantum mechanics in knowledge and application? Apart from that, what will the development of quantum mechanics provide in the future? What do you expect in the short to medium term?”

It is significant that both refer to similar historical references as milestones: a sign that the steps taken in these hundred years are solid and clear. Looking to the future, one has focused on applications, the other on reflection. Without a doubt, both are necessary and complementary at the same time.