By cough of mountain
1986/02/01 Arrojeria, Eustakio - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The eruption of Nevado del Ruiz left us very excited last November. Those Dantese imaginaries seen through television, those ghostly images that could not be on the brown of mud, have reminded us again of the strength of nature. However, men have nothing to do with the maintenance of volcanoes in recent years. In 1902 the Mont Pelée (Monte Pelado) of Martinique during the explosion 16. Since it led to 000 people, we have not seen such mudslides with the volcanoes until the Nevado del Ruiz occurred. And this has almost doubled its brand.
Stratographic studies indicate that this brand is quite scarce for a period of 83 years. For example, 200 in the 120 years before the eruption of the Pelé. About 000 people died from the cause of volcanoes. Also known is the destruction of Pompeii by the Vesuvius. The fertile plains that are located downstream of the volcanoes of Andeta are formed by powders and fangos of consolidated volcanoes, dispersed by alternative layers. The layers represent two ways to kill a volcano: frying in a cloud of dust or touching it in a spilled mud.
The latter, the mud spills, have been the ones that have cut the most lives in the last 200 years. The tour of Nevado del Ruiz has been repeated in eleven places. The summits of the Andean volcanoes are usually glaciers, being the Nevado del Ruiz, the highest of them all, 5. 200 m.

The eruption has been small, according to aviation pilots who have traveled the surroundings, the waste thrown by volcano 8. They have climbed up to 000m. Great eruptions 30. They can launch up to 000 m. However, the eruption has been sufficient to abruptly melt the ice of the summit. By pouring the water of the glaciers on the slope of the mountain quickly, it has dragged the powders and remains of the previous eruptions.
The streams and the water streams that flow along the eastern slope of the Nevado del Ruiz join the Lagunilla river multiplying its flow. At 90 Km/h the mud has found the city of Armero. What happened from now on is too known.
This type of attitude was already known in the Nevado del Ruiz. His two previous murderous eruptions, in 1595 and 1845, were based on mud spills.
On this occasion Nevado had already sent a warning for a long time. His new activity began in November 1984 with several land premises. These became more violent in December. At the beginning of the year, gas launches begin. The pH measurements made on the lake located in the crater on February 22 indicated that this was 0, 2; the lake was concentrated sulfuric acid.
In July the glacier began to melt and at the summit yellow clouds of sulfur were formed. The first real eruption occurred on September 11, with dust emissions for seven hours and a small batch of sludge. In mid-September, the aviation authorities banned the passage of planes on the mountain.
On November 13, a small eruption took place in which authorities told them not to worry about citizens and then...