
Mercury ahead of the Sun

2003/05/07 Elhuyar Zientzia

Have you ever seen Mercury? It is the closest planet to the Sun and is therefore difficult to see. For many days it is covered by the Sun and, when this does not occur, it can only be seen at dusk or dawn, and then also in a short time. At sunset it hides almost with the Sun and at dawn, when the Sun rises, the planet does not separate.

This morning, on the contrary, astronomers have seen it in a curious way, and in the journey of the planet has passed before the Sun and has been a good time for observation. This photo of the Sun shows Mercury at different points of the tour. In villages that have not been clouded, therefore, they have seen a moratón on the disc of light of the star. Of course, it has been a disaster to try at first glance because, in addition to enlarging the image, they have had to protect the eyes from sunlight.

However, it has been a good opportunity, as until 2016 Mercury will not pass before the Sun.

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