
Frozen methane bubbles

2006/09/07 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

In Siberia, in the northern lakes, in the ice are written the historical fragments of nature. The icy bubbles seen in the image are an example of

this. They are methane bubbles and are the last remnants of a long history; in winter, when the lakes are frozen, many animals die on ice and, in summer, when the ice melts, the bodies sink into the lake. Methane is the product of the breakdown of these animals. By increasing the gas, it gradually joins the bubbles and leaves the surface of the lake. When it happens in winter, the bubble freezes until the following spring. The

icy bubbles seen in the image have this written story, but scientists have studied for something else. Russian and American scientists have wanted to know whether or not this methane influences climate change. They consider the answer to be yes.