
Microorganisms in the most basic pH so far

2004/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Microoganisms have been found in the nearby Calumet lagoon in Chicago: Of the genera Clostridium and Bacillus. The news has aroused the curiosity of the researchers, since the pH of the lagoon is basic and they did not expect to find living things. Microorganisms have already been found in extreme conditions such as contaminated water from a gold mine in South Africa.

The pH of the water of the Laguna de Calumet is 12.8 due to the industry that for many years has poured iron and is very contaminated. Microorganisms have never been found to be so high pH.

The origin of these microorganisms is still unknown by the researchers: Have native species adapted to the environment or are they brought from outside? The American Geological Organization has shown its intention to continue working to respond to these and other issues.

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