
Talking about cancer

1994/06/01 Karrera, Jesus Mari Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

There may not be days without news about health or medicine. In any media we can hear/read the news of the advances being made in medicine, especially in the field of cancer or cancer.

Research and curious discoveries, a new carcinogen or the hope of a revolutionary treatment, put into the mouth of researchers and scientists, can be seen at any time, especially in newspapers.

Still today, tobacco, food, environmental pollution, radiation, virus, etc. we were presented with exogenous factors such as the cause of the disease or cancer.

At present, molecular biology, genetic mutations, oncogenes, DNA chains, antibodies, promoting enzymes, or, on the contrary, inhibitors and this type of coarse words are used in the mentions to cancer.

It is not just new and round words, but the explanation and conclusion of some studies and discoveries made in the laboratory in recent decades.

Most cancers had a well-known clinical process. Start or produce in a specific tissue and organ, develop it in a tumoral or joint form and, finally, in its extension, extend it to other organs, putting up its biological functions.

But the mechanisms and moments of the different phases of this whole procedure, and especially the last motive of the malignant of the normal cell, was the mystery.

And today are the dark ones diluted?

In spite of the concrete answers (for example, we know what genes are causing some tumors and what chromosomes are found) and that nowadays we do not believe in the mysteries, we have still ignored many events.

However, and looking ahead, thanks to these research and the introduction of new forms of health (immunotherapy, biological response modulators, gene therapy, etc.) In addition to the new results, we are receiving new concepts and perspectives:

  • The key to cancer is the path of the genetic code that governs the life of each cell.
  • Cancer is an intense cellular and corporal pain, biological, and to overcome it will be necessary biological remedies.
  • They will be more selective drugs that only affect cancer cells or oncogene imbalance.
  • And finally, apparently, cancer is a particular disorder or worsening of one's own genetics, so complication or correction must also be particular or individual.

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