
Without much privacy with mobile

2009/12/20 Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati - Elhuyar Zientzia

Nowadays, mobile phones have become small computers that allow you to write documents, consult information or send emails, regardless of where the user is. Undoubtedly, the functions of mobile phones are constantly multiplying. Therefore, unconsciously, the user handles more and more information on their mobile phones.
Or. Lacquer

Mobile phones are an essential tool in the lives of many. Without them it seems that we cannot live and we are increasingly confident in them. But is all the information we store on mobile secure? What happens if we lose or steal our mobile?

Surely you will have information that you do not want to share with strangers. For example, there may be personal messages on your mobile phone that no one wants to read. Well, forget about it if you lose or steal your phone. Yes, at least if your mobile comes into the hands of experts able to read the mobile guts. All information is stored on the SIM card of mobile phones. Therefore, even though the mobile user has some forgotten messages and information and does not see them at first glance, all the information that has been saved on the mobile is still stored in this small device. Often the user is not aware of it. However, experts reading mobile guts have learned a lot and can extract and visualize all the information on the mobile on the screen of a computer to surprise the user.

No secrets

If you lose or steal your mobile phone and that mobile reaches the hands of experts able to read the guts of mobile phones, it is over!

An article published in Newscientist magazine indicates that mobile messages are minimal. In addition to what can be counted in these messages, for example, the mobile user may see where it has gone, always depending on the functions and technology of the mobile phone. A few decades ago mobiles had only the possibility of writing messages and the agenda. Today there are people with GPS, WiFi and motion sensors, and all this goes on. The next generation of mobile phones will be able, among other things, to take care of user health, save money and make small transactions. In Asia they already have it.

All information is stored on the SIM card of mobile phones.

The case in Newscientist magazine is curious. In addition to messages stored on the SIM card, they have extracted personalized and detailed user information from the Sports Tracker app. This application is able to measure the user's sports performance over time. In fact, its use used this application to know how quickly you were going to work by bicycle every day. This application measures travel distance, speed, calories burned, etc. But when the mobile came into expert hands, and experts introduced all this data into the Google Maps and Google Street View apps, they saw the photo of their workplace and were able to know what time they were leaving home, what time they arrived and many more data. That is, they knew many of the details of the user of this mobile.

Google published Latitude software in February. This software informs other people of the location of the mobile user, among them unknown. It can be a unique gift for criminals, jealous friends, etc. Not so for the user. Where is the limit of personal intimacy? Be prudent.

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