
Global biodiversity information available to all

2001/03/05 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

EU Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin will present a new international initiative to disseminate information on biodiversity. The Global Biodiversity Information Service (GBIF) aims to make available to all the knowledge on the diversity of living in the world, currently limited.

The GBIF will constitute a network that will collect biodiversity data and information technology tools. In this way, anyone can use and/or disseminate information so wide but dispersed, in addition to reporting economic, environmental and social benefits in its use.

On the one hand, FIMD's work focuses on the collection, design, application and coordination of biodiversity data globally and, on the other, on collecting, linking, standardizing and digitizing. IFBS will be an important tool to protect, manage and make sustainable use of biological sources around the world.

This initiative will increase cooperation between countries and facilitate global decision-making. In addition, anyone can participate, does not have to belong to any official body, and to help this will build bridges between languages through computer programs.

It will also contribute significantly to the dissemination of education and scientific research in developing countries. They can apply this information to biomedicine, agriculture and nature conservation in order to benefit the progress and quality of life of society.

Almost 50 countries participate and the first meeting will take place from 9 to 11 March in Montreal. The European Commission proposes to create an efficient FOCs platform and is already preparing energy and environmental programmes.

More information: www.gbif.org

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