
The highest bridge in the world seen from the sky

2005/01/05 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The image shows the Millau viaduct, inaugurated in the Tarn valley of the Massif Central of France. This bridge, built to facilitate the road that connects Paris with the Mediterranean, is the highest in the world, 270 meters above the Tarn River. The bridge rests on seven columns of 2,460 m in length. Only with the steel used at the top of the bridge could four Eiffel towers be built.

This data is sufficient to see the magnitude of the bridge. But if someone has any doubt, let them know that this image is taken by satellite. The European Space Agency satellite test was taken in December 2004 using a high-definition camera. This camera gets black and white images with a spatial resolution of five meters. If you see a big bridge from there, take out the beads first hand!

To find out more, click on the ESA page.

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