Nature designs written in microtubules
2006/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A team of researchers at Brown University investigates the cells to discover how the shapes and drawings of living things are formed and discover a hint of the solution. According to them, some cell proteins, microtubules, participate in the processes of formation of forms.
Some chemical reactions cause microtubules to form long fibers that act as scaffolding within the cell: they hold the structure, form flagella, etc. In turn, they affect more scale and contribute to the formation of life forms. At Brown University they have found how not only chemical reactions, but also external physical factors that influence the appearance of microtubules, such as magnetic field and heat transmission. Combining all these effects, both chemical and physical, nature creates forms. And while they don't fully understand it, researchers are on track to do more research.