Those who do not cry will die before
1986/04/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Yes, you have read it well. This is what researcher Frey has published in the journal MEDICAL TRIBUNE after years of study of tears. But why do we cry? What is the relationship between our eyes and our emotions? And why do two such different feelings, joy and sadness, be expelled with tears and tears?

It is evident that crying, together with hymns, gills and facial contractions that occur, serves to discharge psychic tensions; the hardest and most cardiac person also relaxes after a cry. But medicine has always given very little importance to tears and tears. And let's not say society, at least Western society. "Men do not cry!" Children are known since childhood. In women, crying is still admitted, but in men it is not thought either. One of the characteristics that differentiates us from animals is repression, which causes both physical and psychological damage.
Willian Frey, previously mentioned, began to work what we could call "malcology", and after a long and extensive study decided that there are two types of crying: one physiological and another emotional. The first, physiological or non-emotional tear, is emitted by humans and animals: the cornea is a thin, colourless film that takes care of the lubrication of the medium so that the eyelids move smoothly. This lubrication is essential. The eternal movements of the eyes (opening and closing) are so hard that glass prostheses should be modified every two years approximately. Tear is a liquid that protects the eye from infections and foreign bodies or dirt.
But cry for emotion (that is, for sadness, joy, etc.) is an exclusively human quality. There are no other beings who use this way to express their feelings. Nor are the crocodile tears so mentioned and famous exceptional. While it is true that these animals emit tears as they feed on their prey, the cause of this leak is very different, since their salivary and tearful glands are very close, so it is enough that some get to work to provoke and stimulate others.
Once we see what tears are, let us study another point. Crying, besides reassuring the person, does it have another function? The case of young children is unique. These use as a communication tool to express crying, hunger or pain. After analyzing 100 adults affected by stress (men and women), it was observed that half had stomach ulcer and the other half intestinal alterations.
However, the study also revealed that these patients, especially women, cried less than the rest of the population, since most of them considered it a characteristic of vulnerability. Studies elsewhere have also drawn similar conclusions and gave Dr. Frey the opportunity to say what we have put in the title: "Those who do not cry will die before" and "through crying the human body removes certain substances caused by tensions and emotions."
Let us leave, then, in a corner, the progress and the wrong intentions or ideas, and we will rain with desire when the panasion allows us. Our body will thank you.

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