
Smoother solar wind measured

2008/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Smoother solar wind measured
01/11/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Recent searches

The week of September 15 measured the lowest intensity in history in solar wind activity. It is known that in an 11-year cycle the intensity of the solar wind increases and decreases, varying the maximum and minimum values from one cycle to another. And it is true that only 50 years ago astronomers began to measure the activity of the solar wind. However, the intensity of this week has been 20% lower than the minimum so far, according to data taken by the Ullises probe. NASA and ESA astronomers saw a single spot on the surface of the Sun. Astronomers do not know what is the cause of this low intensity, but it will give them the opportunity to investigate the influence of the solar wind on different phenomena, the influence would also be minimal during that week.

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