
#Narrative Experiments (May): Challenges and Dialogue I

2020/05/08 Elhuyar Zientzia

In May, Elhuyar has published the #Nautical Experiments calendar full of neurons and challenges to imagination.From 4 May, every day from Monday to Thursday there will be challenges and on Fridays there will be a colloquium with a young researcher.

These are actions aimed at young people between 10 and 15 years in general, but with the aim of promoting science and technology activities in the family, it is intended to invite parents to face challenges with younger children.

The challenges posed from 4 to 7 May are as follows:


5 May: Sweet yogurt bacteria

6 May: Secret messages

7 May: Birds in my window

And by the end of the week a special plan has been proposed for Fridays. In fact, the appointment will be with a researcher who works in the world of science and technology in real life, to know closely the researcher himself and his activity and, through the knowledge of professionals, reinforce the interest of young people for science and technology.

The first interviewed was Maitane Alonos Monasterio, a young Sodupean who travels the world through her invention as a participant in the Science Fair

8 May: Maitane Alonso monastery

Experience and share!We invite you to spread on social networks the scientific and technological challenges you have made, with the hashtag #Experimentoak of #Nicolás.

Access to challenges and interviews here

To go to the May Challenges Calendar, here

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia