How to use smartphones and tablets in bed without losing sleep
2013/06/04 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The American clinic Mayo has advised that the night use of smartphones and tablets does not affect sleep. In fact, Mayo researchers have analysed the influence of the use of these devices on sleep and have presented their results at the congress of sleep related expert associations, Sleep13. In this framework, these councils have been given.
Other previous studies have shown that the luminosity emitted by smartphones and tablets prevents the production of the hormone melatonin, with the consequent risk of sleep alterations. For example, in the LRC center of the Rensselaer Institute (Lighting Research Center) it was shown that the use of light emission screens for two hours represents 23% less melatonin.
In addition, LRC researchers warn that the reduction in the production of melatonin can affect not only sleep, but also other aspects such as obesity, diabetes and breast cancer.
Now, in the Mayo Clinic, it has been confirmed that the effect depends on the intensity of the light and the distance that the screen puts from the eyes. What's more, for the tranquility of users have confirmed that the use of the smartphone or tablet at a low intensity and at a minimum distance of 35 centimeters has no adverse effects on the production of melatonin and, therefore, on health.

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