Gorka Orive Arroyo Farmaziako katedraduna

“One alone may make a lot of progress, but it takes a team to go far”

2025/03/01 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Gorka Orive Arroyo (Vitoria, 1976) is Professor of Pharmacy and Professor and Researcher at the University of the Basque Country. Geroa is also the founder of the biotechnology company Diagnostics, which is developing a test to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease through saliva. It is also involved in a number of other research projects, such as regenerative medicine and sustainable pharmacy. It occupies a prominent place in the lists of the most cited researchers, such as the Standford University ranking, with a special effort to socialize science and research through social networks.

I'm talking about Arg. UPV/EHU

What has surprised, disturbed or impacted you the most since you started working?

This year marks 25 years since I finished my degree. When I look back, I see that two years ago, in 2023, I became a professor. This is a milestone, but overall, in the work of teachers and researchers, I see the importance of experience. Experience has given me the clarity to have clear goals and the strength to address them.

On top of that, I feel like I’ve had the intuition to embrace the possibilities. This does not mean that I have always said yes, but during these years I have had the opportunity to have contact with some researchers and I am happy that I have been brave. For example, when I met Eduardo Anitua Aldecoa, I had the opportunity to know his project and decided to start collaborating with him without hesitation. It has helped me a lot to know what the business world is like.

The same thing happened 10 years ago when I founded my own company. Maybe it would have been normal to follow the path I was taking without getting into new things. But for me, novelty and illusion are essential; the illusion of creating and acting on projects that help people.

In addition to the technical aspect, the social aspect, the relationships, is essential. One can go a long way alone, but it takes a team to go far. I'm excited to form teams.

What revolution or discovery would you like to witness?

The easiest thing would be to answer that I would like to develop or invent something to overcome a serious illness... In my case, I see it far away. My dreams are less bright and have to do with the projects I’m doing.

For example, I have collaborated in the development of a tool to help in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. So my dream is for this tool to reach people, be effective, and expand. It helps people, that’s my dream.

On the other hand, I am working on a project that links pharmacy, sustainability and the environment, with which changing and improving things is a dream; and it is also being fulfilled.

In the future, I would like to continue in education and create some kind of non-profit project. I would like to create a foundation to deepen these mentioned projects and be of help to the public.

Finally, I would like to continue my work on social media. They have changed a lot, but I think it is important to continue scientific dissemination in these spaces, especially in the post-truth era.