Now we know
1986/02/01 Iturriotz, J.M. Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

It seems that we in the world of teaching have to banish personal computers from home. This is what the EIMA program says at least. You will not accept these programs for machines based on the MS-DOS operating system. That is, you can organize programs for Tele Video if you want any help. But nothing else.
Alright, it was time! Now there is no doubt that if someone wants to create software they know what languages and machines they should use. Thank you.
But unfortunately, there is still not much computer park, can there be a 14" monitor for another 100 students? ).
On the other hand, despite the voluntary dedication that teachers need to train us, do we have physical possibilities to approach these machines?
The questions are about to be answered, but if we want to take advantage of the advantages of computing it is necessary to move forward, that is why this time I come to expose my experiences.
These experiences have been carried out in a Vocational Training school with an Electronics group L.H.1 of Errenteria.
I got the ZX-SPECTRUM. (currently 20. It can be bought at less than 000 pesetas). I can't deny that I can use Tele Videoae at once but:
- It is a group of 32 students, an experience based on a monitor screen.
- In our school we have in the audiovisual room the EIDOFORO or large video screen.
Therefore, small machine (?) I decided to use it. The theme was alternating current parameters. Frequency amplitude and phase out. Easy, but many times we mix them when we want to appear on the blackboard.

One hour of organized session. It took no more than 45 minutes to explain the concept of these parameters and make 10 and 20 examples of each of them, without forgetting that there were 32 students with a single micro.
Because the conclusions have been very positive, we are now organizing a program to visualize the discharge of the capacitor load and the influence of the R.C.
It must be said that the same has been done with a group of L.H.1 to explain the geography of Euskal-Herria and that this experience has also been very positive.
We call Him the home computer, but many times more useful than the rest, yes, it is not the way of scientific computing. What is it?

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia