
Wounds without scars with botox

2006/10/22 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Botox is the most famous wrinkle planer. Movie stars and well-known characters say they use it in abundance, but it has also reached the street people and today they offer it in many aesthetic centers. However, it is also used in hospitals and has now been seen in an American clinic that wounds also serve to leave no scars.
The botox paralyzes the muscles, making the skin very soft.

In fact, the puff is a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The bacteria are found in soil, water and mud, while the toxin can form in poorly made food preserves. If this food is not heated well, there is a risk of poisoning.

The toxin is very strong: a million or less than a gram is enough to kill a person. The toxin, among other things, paralyzes the muscles, preventing breathing and causing the risk of the intoxicated person dying suffocated.

But like many other toxic products, in medicine the botxo is used for the benefit of patients. It was first used in 1977 to treat strabismus. Strabismus is due to hyperactivity of the muscles that move the eyeball, so the eye cannot look correctly. By injecting the proper botox dose, the muscles become paralyzed, allowing the patient to look at a particular point. Subsequently, doctors have seen that it is also appropriate to treat torticollis, spasms and sweating or salivation.

Closing wounds

Now, researchers at the well-known Mayo clinic have found another application: to help close wounds. Scars from wounds significantly affect the quality of life of some patients, especially if they are on the face. Some of these effects are functional: preventing the correct closure or opening of the eyes, avoiding eating well or talking... Others are psychological and in severe cases can lead to depression.

Once the wounds caused by traffic accidents are healed, it is difficult that no remains remain.

With these conclusions, all doctors try to close the wounds as best as possible. To do this, they give points to bring the skin next to the wound to the center, so that the wound is not so wide and is less than that which would occur when leaving the scar wound closed on its own.

However, some wounds are especially difficult. For example, in injuries that occur in traffic accidents and those caused by dog bites, it is common for wounds not parallel to muscles. In these cases, muscle tension makes large and noticeable spots remain.

To relax tension

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic have shown that the button is especially beneficial in this type of wound. In fact, the bottle paralyzes the muscles. Therefore, the muscles of the face cannot contract and the skin is very soft. This allows close the wound almost without a trace.

Injured on the front of volunteers who participated in the Mayo Clinic experiment. Some volunteers were victims of a car accident and others were victims of a biopsy to diagnose cancer. The researchers used the dose used in aesthetic operations with patients, with very satisfactory results.

Doctors carefully score to leave as little scar as possible.

However, the organization that regulates drug use in the United States has not yet approved the button for this use. Previously, researchers should perform more tests.

And that is the goal of the Mayo clinic: to conduct a third phase of clinical trials to determine the appropriate doses and uses. If everything goes well, in addition to eliminating wrinkles, the use of the wound closure button will be allowed, since the limits between aesthetics and health are not entirely clear.

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