Oil for medicines
1992/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
A prestigious oil company opens a factory in French Havre that will achieve 130,000 tons of oil each year. The oil can be used in pharmacy (to make laxatives) or cosmetic (to make softeners).

Nasal drops, child packs, bottle tits, shaving soaps, etc. are made with “white oil”. Elasticity, non-toxicity and the absence of odors have been the characteristics that the plastics industry has taken into account. White oil has also coincided with polystyrene. It gives the necessary stiffness and no problems touching food.
White oil can be found in moisturizing creams, infant oils, washing paste and shampoos.
In addition, no waste is generated in the oil processing process. Therefore, it also has ecologically significant advantages.
To convert motor oil into medical oil, remove residual gases and carcinogenic aromatics. In this way, the products that comply with international and pharmaceutical legislation are obtained. The sales price ranges from US$700 to US$900 per ton and production is expected to increase to US$600,000 in 2000 in the coming years.

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