
Sensitive paint

2001/05/15 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

According to researchers at the University of Newcastle, soon a layer of paint will be enough to know if the structure of a bridge is deteriorated. In addition, the new painting will allow engineers to build lighter, cheaper and more elegant bridges.

The paint prepared at the University of Newcastle has piezoelectric properties, that is, under the influence of mechanical stresses, on the surface of the paint appear electrical charges and the electrical signal is proportional to the tension. Researchers believe that painting is a useful and reliable way to measure vibration and detect possible cracks and damage to bridges, as the results obtained so far have been satisfactory. For example, by measuring vibrations over time, they can calculate how bridge fatigue increases and predict when it becomes dangerous. This is because fatigue from vibrations causes cracks that can cause serious accidents.

However, voices have also been heard stating that painting does not distinguish the meaning of vibrations and that it is not a universal method of measuring the tension of buildings. The first tests will take place at the Milenium Bridge in London.

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