
Mission of Planet Hunters Eddington

2002/01/17 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

European planet hunters are immersed in the attempt to get the first spacecraft capable of contemplating Earth-sized planets. This mission, called Eddington, has been accepted by the ESA (European Space Agency) and
is pending grants.

The spacecraft, in an orbit between Earth and the Sun, would remain for 4 years receiving luminous images of the 500,000 stars in the area, with the intention of ever seeing the shadow of a planet that had passed by its side.

Star Twist

This technique has allowed 70 new planets to date, but all large, at least the size of Jupiter. So far, due to the rotation of the earth and the interference in the atmosphere, they have not been able to spend enough time studying these stars. By measuring
the orbiting speed of the planets it is possible to know how far these planets are from their stars. It can be calculated if they have the possibility of living like this, that is, if they are outside the area too cold or hot.

On the other hand, the Eddington camera is able to observe the intrestellar explosions by analyzing the variations of the surface light of the stars. This science, called astroseismology, can only be launched in spatial calm. These research will help to understand the development of stars and galaxies, as well as to improve the methods of measuring the ages and distances of stars.

Competition time

Since the ESA presented the budgetary constraint on space scientific missions, Eddington was at risk of being rejected. Bear in mind that NASA has just subsidized the American Kepler mission. The Kepler mission is similar to Eddington, but works with a larger telescope. However, the reduction in budgets that is now taking place could bet on Eddington, a more economical and reliable mission. "Because NASA is also reducing its budgets, Eddington could easily find an opportunity," explains Alan Penny Eddington, a project member.

William Borucki, member of NASA, for his part, assures with certainty that Kepler will supervise for the first time these new planets, but has stressed that "this is not a contest", "it is an important mission and will contribute to our science".

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