Plasma arc, method of transforming waste into energy
2007/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

They have developed a system based on plasma arc. This allows to transform waste (tons and tons) into energy. The waste disposal system accumulated for several years is very efficient as it processes waste very quickly.
The mechanism called the plasma arc consists of high speed jets of ionized gas at high temperature. It is a very used mechanism in the industry, mainly for cutting materials difficult to cut. Instead, if it is introduced along with urban solid waste in a chamber that hardly contains oxygen, the plasma submits the waste at a temperature greater than 1,500 °C. In these conditions, without combustion, the inorganic matter contained in the residues is glazed, that is, it becomes glass. Together with this glazed material, when heated, a synthesis gas is generated that contains carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
The two compounds that are formed in the process are usable. On the one hand, it can be used as building material of glazed material, and on the other, gas can be used as natural gas to produce electricity, for example, and if hydrogen is isolated, it can be used as fuel.
However, ecological groups are prudent, since they do not know if this gas contains polluting substances. Therefore, it is not yet possible to ensure the success of this system. Some consider it an incinerator with a costume.
Currently, only one Japanese company is running this system. They process garbage in tons, about 100 tons daily. To be a profitable company, when they were designed, they thought that the money would remove it from the retributions they would obtain for the disposal of the garbage and the sale of the leftover electricity, since according to the calculations made, the gas of synthesis that occurs in the process would produce more electricity than the necessary to supply the plant. The result is very different. For the disposal of the garbage they do receive money, but they have not achieved the surplus of electricity, they are those who consume all the electricity they produce. They do not lose money to have the installation underway.
However, companies such as Florida, Panama or Barcelona have shown their interest in this type of facility. They say that in their projects they will improve the electrical performance of the Japanese plant.