
White vulture: as nice as funny

2001/03/09 Elhuyar Zientzia

Photographer: Photographer: Joxerra Aihartza

This year it cannot be said that it has made a winter of some magnitude, and from now on there may be some purrustaldi. But that's an exaggeration. However, most coarse birds are not oriented. Chickens need a lot of time to grow, as they begin to drown before the end of winter. This is what the griffon vulture that we have among us throughout the year. But also the whites of the photo.

Alimoche is not usually here all year. After the growth of the chickens, they move to Africa in early winter, where they are crude from winter. To begin spring they will return to our mountains and meet with the same couple of previous years to nest and lay eggs. Nidifica on walls and cliffs.

Eat carrion and carrion as discussed, but it also has the ability to use tools with claws. It is known for being able to break ostrich eggs with stones.

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