SMAAP: Flying the Earth
2007/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In paragliding, before flying it is essential to take a course. However, in most cases, after receiving some theoretical subjects, beginners practice the technique of flying when in the air. The Bidasoa Flight School of Irun has created a novel method to learn the technique of this sport before taking off: It is called SMAAP, mechanized and automated delta wing and paragliding system.
It is an electronic hydraulic machine that performs five movements: takeoff and landing, corrosion, rolling, lateral displacement and local rotation. The main axis simulates take-off and landing movements, and the arms articulated the rest. In addition, below it has a treadmill with potentiometer that can vary the speed. All this is handled by five proportional controls.
SMAAP is not an interactive machine and does not automatically respond to paragliding movements. The teacher decides whether or not the student is making the right moves and when he is ready to move to the next phase. The machine is therefore connected to a teaching system called the Box Method. During fifty-two phases, students must learn air career, bell control and flight technique. Controlling the hood is inflating the wing of the paraglider and stabilizing it in the air to take off well.
Once all phases are over, they practice the real flight in a field. Before taking off, the teacher marks the way forward and, when in the air, corrects student movements through a radio.

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