Susper hadi, nice!
2002/11/26 Elhuyar Zientzia

In China they are very worried because giant panda zoos have no desire to practice sex. The proliferation of captive pandes is not easy, and it is even more difficult if those who should be parents do nothing for it.
Wild panda is also not very breeding: every two or three years the female has only one breeding. In addition, the wild panda population has fallen by half in the last two decades, which means a decrease in the chances of finding a partner.
And when they take the zoos, they reproduce even less. They seem to lose passion for sex. According to the researchers, despite being in protected natural spaces and zoos, 60% do not have any sexual appetite. Therefore, most panda children born in captivity have occurred thanks to artificial insemination.
However, researchers do not give up and have made numerous attempts to change the attitude of pandas. To awaken the desire to reproduce have tried several remedies, but despite its high price, they have not achieved good results. Among the remedies there is everything: they have been given medicinal plants, they have been tested with Viagra, they have been given a video of how the male covers the female...
Now, researchers have developed a computer program that will help increase the fecundity of pandas. This program analyzes the health of captive pandas and the degree of kinship between them. In this way, researchers can know the right time and partner to practice sex.

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