
Weaker than expected fire doors

2002/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Steel doors offer one-hour protection in case of fire, according to the results of the tests prepared by the ISO. But, according to a French researcher, these tests are not at all equivalent to real fires. According to his study, the resistance of steel doors in case of real fire is only 20 minutes. According to the researcher, the ISO tests are very artificial.

Only a part of the door enters the oven, the temperature gradually increases and reaches the maximum in an hour. However, in the fire that reproduces, the temperature reached 900°C in 20 minutes. The door was taken precisely. This is not the first complaint received by the ISO organization and has recognized the need to fully review the standards in order to perform more real tests.

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