Objective of telescopes
2007/09/03 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Those in the image are stars of the galaxy nana IC 10. Intense blue are the stars Wolf-Rayet, hot stars that release a lot of mass to the environment. So far they have never been seen so accurately, and astronomers believe that the data obtained will serve to answer several questions about the galaxy IC 10.
And it is that the galaxy IC 10 does not meet the patterns seen in other nana galaxies, at least apparently. Among other things, it does not contain in the same proportion stars with high nitrogen content and high oxygen content. There are two options: whether the patterns are wrong or not have enough data about this galaxy. To clarify, they wanted to look as accurately as possible. They unify the work of several telescopes and from the Hubble space and the W.M Earth. of Hawaii. The Keck Observatory equipment has been installed for this galaxy.
They discover new stars. The data obtained aims to better study the composition of the galaxy IC 10 to better understand the evolution of galaxies. At the moment the doubts have not been resolved, but at least they have given a concrete fact: CI 10 is 2.6 million light years from Earth.
Photo: UCB/NASA/Keck Observatory.

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