
The fault under Tokyo is not far

2005/07/18 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Tokyo is on a flaw. That is why there are many earthquakes and earthquakes in this city. They have always had them. In 1923, for example, they suffered a very violent earthquake and 105,000 people died. Today it is a city of 33 million inhabitants, and an earthquake similar to that of 1923 could be a massacre. It is not surprising that you have the greatest resources to measure and predict the movements of the suburban fault. However, even though they use the most modern technology, they have so far been unable to accurately measure the depth at which the fault lies. So far it has been considered that the fault lies about forty kilometers from the earth's surface, but, according to the latest measurements of geologist Hiroshi Sato, it is much closer. Using explosives and vibrators, Sato has measured that the fault is more than 26 kilometers from the earth's surface and can be closer. They will still have to make more accurate measurements to confirm this data, but the nearness of the fault means that a large earthquake would be more dangerous than expected. From this point of view, the Japanese capital is a very dangerous city.