
Water in the brain

2007/07/23 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

A surprising case has occurred in Marseille, France. A man of forty-four years goes to the doctor because he feels the weak leg of the left. The doctors found that the problem was of neurological origin and made a tomography of the brain. In the image you can see what they found: the man had a large bag of water in the place of the brain. This characteristic, known as hydrocephalus, is common; if the flow of water passing through the brain does not come out properly, it accumulates. But this is an extreme case. According to the doctors, he has accumulated water in the brain since childhood, and water has taken the place of the brain. This does not mean that the brain fails this matter, which is tight against the skull. Man leads a normal life and has an intellectual quotient within the normal margin. The doctors drain the water. This has not increased the size of the brain, but it has not hurt him either.

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