
About 200 students from 5 schools in the region of Urola Erdia working scientific and technological projects

2021/07/05 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

The initiative "ZTIM Urola Erdia 2020/21" has its origin in the network of collaboration of agents dynamized by Iraurgi Berritzen and has been developed in collaboration with the teachers of the 5 schools in the region
During the course 2020/21 5 schools in the region participated, 10 teachers, 8 professionals from different areas and around 250 students from ESO and Bachiller.

During the development of the project, teachers have received training and tutoring from Elhuyar for the development of projects in the field of science and technology. Also, throughout the development of the projects, an effort has been made to foster relationships between students and professionals from different fields. The process has had the participation of different professionals who have highly valued the relationship between students and professionals.

The schools in the region have produced a catalogue that summarizes the projects carried out in the field of science and technology. In addition to collecting the projects worked, you can see the work done by the students.

Here the catalogue

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia