
October will tell us what time it will do in winter

2007/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

October will tell us what time it will do in winter
01/10/2007 | Elhuyar
Satellite photo of the snowy Siberia.
USGS EROS Data Center

Meteorologists insist that no long-term predictions can be made. But there are models to make these predictions, and one of them has had quite good results so far. This model, called SC ast, is based on the snow it throws in Siberia in October to predict the time it will do in the northern hemisphere during the winter. To know if the model is correct, they have tested with data from previous years (until 1972). And he has made direct predictions.

According to the authors of SC, the winter of the northern hemisphere depends on the snowfalls of October in Siberia. For example, if you expel more snow than normal, it is said that in January the stratosphere of the Earth is more temperate than normal, which causes a warmer atmosphere at high latitudes, while at the average latitudes a colder than normal is attributed.

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