
What time?

1990/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

If you see the image instrument in the forests and mountains of the north soon, do not think it is a new model of wind mill or an antenna. It is an automatic meteorological station and soon 2,500 of this type will be installed throughout France.

So far the weather stations were located in schools, gendarmerie houses, convents and some hamlets. Every day, at certain hours, the teacher, the gendarme, the friars or the baserritarras had to go, collect data and send them to the main weather stations. Many times errors occurred: the one who had to go to collect the data failed, collected bad data or produced some error in the transmission of the data.

The new stations will face this kind of problems.

These stations have a small computer in whose memory data is stored. In addition, they are connected to the telephone network and when you want the data to be known, simply dial the phone number of each station through the Minitela. The station will give you all the data. In this way, all data will be collected on the computers of the main weather stations.

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