
What does the casuist use the key for?

2003/11/04 Elhuyar Zientzia

The case is currently one of the largest birds in the world, with only superior ostriches. But it also has other curiosities: the flame of the head. The structure is certainly special and, according to the latest research carried out at the University of California, casuists use it to communicate.

They communicate by means of low-frequency infrasonides, sounds of frequency less than 23 Hz, and therefore outside the level of human hearing. It is a solitary animal that can be a good method of communication in closed forests. However, among terrestrial animals it is very rare to communicate by means of infrasonids, which, according to the knowledge of biologists, are only used by elephants.

Californian researchers believe that landlords use flame to receive sounds, which arouses special interest among dinosaur researchers. And the dinosaurs with vault have also taken the hypothesis that they used for it.

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